A busy week!
One of those weeks where each day you boil a kettle at least 3 times and still can't make the time to stop for a for a cup of tea!
The week started with the pre orders that you, our lovely customers, had made in advance of our delivery going live.
We then had a flurry of orders which pushed us on our way towards the 50 orders to be dispatched a week. This being the minimum set by our courier partner.
With the lockdown in the background and its implication on Borough Market and Broadway Market, not to mention the American election all adding to the general intensity of the week!
Our clock with DPD started on Tuesday last week, so we have Mondays orders to add to the 33 orders went out, which once tallied up will hopefully make 50 by Monday night. It seems my world is mirroring the American election in that I'm counting and recounting orders dispatched, not votes and its very close!
The last count will be on Monday after all the orders for the day are dispatched...
We start week two with much learned from week one.
The team all pulled together fantastically and made sure that all the orders were fulfilled and up to our standards.
Each box left us with so much love and care poured in at each stage of the process. So when I learned that the biodegradable / compostable film on our trays let us down on a few orders I was heartbroken.
But no fear, a solution is on hand, I spent a few hours over the weekend drop testing trays sealed with a recyclable film that is much stronger than the Compostable film. From this week we will be using the new film, as well as making a couple of other amends to the way we pack and label in order to make sure your box is perfect and beautiful when you receive it.