The restaurant was an opportunity to showcase Gujarati Rasoi, traditional food as served at home, simple, wholesome, honest, food
I wanted to create a space that mirrored the relationship I had growing up with food. In the kitchen, or expectant just outside of it, waiting for tasty morsels, revelling in the aromas and enthralled by the wonderful sounds of cooking.
The intention was for customers to feel as though they were visiting a close neighbour or friend, who's mother has said 'stay for supper, dine with us.' The restaurant was an open kitchen with tables set around it to create that feeling.
A year after opening I had the opportunity to take on the space next door, so it was roll up the sleeves time again. The design and build were really enjoyable, the thought and process really appealed to me as well as physically 'putting it together'.
I doubled the covers and stepped up the production and the team.
It was a wonderful time full of excitement, at times the restaurant felt like it was my third child. My daughter was born two months before the restaurant was opened so it was impossible to feel like it was not my baby and as with any new 'parent' of a restaurant I had a lot of new things to think about and manage that I had never thought about before!
A huge learning curve for me, but all was possible with help from some wonderful Interesting people on their own life journey, who's path for a short time crossed with mine. I still stay in touch with with some of them as I consider them friends. The bonds that were made then working in a at times intense environment run very strong. 'The wheat really is separated from the chaff' and quality always shows itself under pressure.
After seven good years of running the restaurant, with a great crew and lots of regular clientele, I was made an offer on the space, which I thought was good, and took it.
I've not had the heart to go by and see it since, I had invested so much of myself into the space and project so there were many mixed emotions when I handed the keys over. Overall it was a great time and an amazing experience.
The food that I put on the menu at the restaurant was reflective of my heritage and culture. Meaning that it was reflective of the food that I grew up with; Seasonal, fresh and made with very little waste, all of these ideals are also reflected here on my new online delivery offer.
I look forward to bringing many of the dishes served at the restaurant, in season with particular vegetables as well as food associated with the Hindu traditions I grew up with.